
At the July 2005 StormCon Conference in Orlando Florida, the Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control (CISEC) nationwide program was born with a presentation to inspectors, contractors, designers, and regulatory personnel about the need for a certifying program specifically for construction site inspectors of sediment and erosion control measures.

By the July 2006 StormCon Conference in Denver, Colorado, Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit organization and was well underway in developing inspector training module materials and formulating its nationwide certification examination. Specific topics for the training modules include addressing EPA’s Construction General Permit criteria, inspecting Best Management Practices, providing report-writing guidelines, identifying basic background information, and conducting a “virtual” inspection of a construction site. In addition, Beta testing of a certification examination was initiated.

In November 7, 2006, Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. presented its first training modules followed by administrating its first certification examination.

In February, 2011 the CISEC program was brought to Canada with updates made to reflect the Canadian Federal Rules and Regulations. The first CAN-CISEC training and certification examination was completed in Ontario in July, 2011.

In 2016, the CISEC program was brought to Malaysia with updates to the program to reflect the Malaysian climate and Federal Rules and Regulations. The first MY-CISEC training and certification examination was completed in September 2016.

Today, individuals continue to take the training modules for inspectors on sediment and erosion control. In addition throughout the US, Canada, and Malaysia and the number of CISEC registrants continues to grow each month.

On January 1, 2023 CISEC, Inc. rebranded to become Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. This change allows Ecopliant to better serve the environmental compliance industry worldwide by providing additional education, training, and certification programs for multi-disciplined environmental professionals that addresses their environmental challenges. CISEC has become a division under Ecopliant Environmental, Inc., called Ecopliant CISEC, that still serves our registrants and future registrants in their needs for certification as an inspector of sediment and erosion control.

November of 2023, Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. presented its first review training and certification in Denver, Colorado, for a new program tailored to design and review professionals. Individuals who apply and pass the certification examination will hold the designation of Certified Designer of Sediment and Erosion Control (CDSEC), this program is found under the Ecopliant DesignPlus division.