CAN-CISEC-IT Registrant’s Renewal

Online renewal is now available! Please refer to this LINK.

All CAN-CISEC-IT Registrants must submit an annual renewal payment and a Re-Certification Agreement by last day of their anniversary month of each year.

For those wishing to renew, please fill out the renewal packet found at this LINK.  If you have any questions about renewing or filling out the packet, please contact us directly at

If you wish to give us your payment information directly over the phone, please call us at 1-833-760-7800.

If a registrant needs an extension or will be late due to unforeseen circumstances, please inform Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. via letter, fax, e-mail, or phone of the situation and a onetime extension will be granted.

Note: While you are NOT required to accumulate a minimum of 12 professional development hours/continuing development hours (PDH/CDHs) each renewal year, you are welcome to submit up to 12 PDH/CDHs that would be used for your first years PDH/CDH requirement as a Full Registrant (will require meeting the Full Registrant Qualifications, being current as a CAN-CISEC-IT Registrant, and passing the IT, Level 2 examination).

**Please make sure we have your most recent contact information for our files.