CAN-CISEC Registrant’s Renewal

Online renewal is now available! Please refer to this LINK.

All CAN-CISEC Registrants must submit an annual renewal payment, at least 12 PDH/CDHs, and a Re-Certification Contract by last day of their anniversary month of each year.

You are required to accumulate a minimum of 12 professional development hours/continuing development hours (PDH/CDHs) each contract year. Contracts will not be renewed if you do not meet the PDH/CDH requirements and are not current with your renewal fees.

The 12 PDH/CDHs per renewal period can be obtained from a variety of options including:

  • Up to 8 hours by completing sediment and erosion control and/or storm water inspection related activities.
  • Up to 6 hours by volunteering for activities associated with environmental endeavors (to be approved by Ecopliant Environmental, Inc.).
  • Up to 8 hours of professional environmental related forums.
  • Up to 8 hours by registering and attending environmental related classes and training.
  • Up to 2 hours by presenting and/or publishing one or more technical papers or moderating a professional forum panel on environmental topics.
  • Up to 8 hours in the “Other” category with items reviewed by Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. to determine if they are applicable.

Note: Dates that you are claiming PDH/CDHs for will count only for the year such activities occurred. For example, your attendance at a conference during February 2009 will count towards PDH/CDHs for the October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009 time period.

For those wishing to renew, please fill out the renewal packet found at this LINK.  If you have any questions about renewing or filling out the packet, please contact us directly at

Online renewals are upcoming.  If you wish to give us your payment information directly over the phone, please call us at 1-833-760-7800.

If a registrant needs an extension or will be late due to unforeseen circumstances, please inform Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. via letter, fax, e-mail, or phone of the situation and a onetime extension will be granted.

**Please make sure we have your most recent contact information for our files.