CAN-CISEC Proctor Information

On-Line Certification Examination Information:

Changes to proctoring format:

General Information:

Click HERE for a Help Sheet that gives steps on how to sign up for the examinations.

Steps required to take the examination are as follows:

Full, Level 3 Examination:

  1. It is optional, but recommended that an applicant take either the On-Line Recorded TrainingLive Webinar Training, or In-Person Training  (In-Person currently not available due to Covid-19 restrictions).
  2. Registration and payment for the Full, Level 3 Examination will occur through the IECA eHub (link found HERE).  Cost:  $250CDN
    1. Submittal of application and references will be completed via the eHub (found on the “Contents” tab after logging in).
    2. Approval to take the Full, Level 3 Examination is mandatory.
  3. Once approval by Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. to take the examination occurs, directions on how to schedule and pay for proctoring with ProctorU will be emailed.
    1. Additional instructions regarding the proctoring of the on-line examination can be found here.
    2. ProctorU fee (paid directly to them): $42.00 USD
  4. Questions on if you qualify to take the Full, Level 3 Examination? Please refer to this link.

IT, Level 2:

  1. Registration and payment for the IT, Level 2 Examination will occur through the IECA eHub (link found HERE).  Cost:  $150CDN
    1. Please note, to take the IT, Level 2 Examination, you must already be a CAN-CISEC-IT and in good standing. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us directly at
    2. Submittal of application and references will be completed via the eHub (found on the “Contents” tab after logging in).
    3. Approval to take the IT, Level 2 Examination is mandatory.
  2. Once approval by Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. to take the examination occurs, directions on how to schedule and pay for proctoring with ProctorU will be emailed.
    1. Additional instructions regarding the proctoring of the on-line examination can be found here.
    2. ProctorU fee (paid directly to them): $26.00 USD

IT, Level 1:

  1. It is optional, but recommended that an applicant take either the On-Line Recorded Training, Live Webinar Training, or In-Person Training  (In-Person currently not available due to Covid-19 restrictions).
  2. Registration and payment for the IT, Level 1 Examination will occur through the IECA eHub (link found HERE).  Cost $100CDN
    1. Submittal of registration information will be completed via the eHub (found on the “Contents” tab after logging in).
  3. Once approval by Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. to take the examination occurs, directions on how to schedule and pay for proctoring with ProctorU will be emailed.
    1. Additional instructions regarding the proctoring of the on-line examination can be found here.
    2. ProctorU fee (paid directly to them): $26.00 USD

Fee Sheet:

Please refer to this document for the cost breakdown of training modules and examinations (under construction).

In-Person Proctoring Information:

In-Person Proctoring is only allowed due to select circumstances.  If you would like to find out if this is required for your situation, please contact us at

Examination Proctors:
The following individuals are eligible to proctor CAN-CISEC examinations:
  • CISEC and CAN-CISEC registrants,
  • Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. staff members, and
  • Others, granted approval by Ecopliant Environmental, Inc.

Proctor Applicants:

Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. expects those seeking to proctor CISEC and CAN-CISEC examinations meet the following criteria:
  • They are a current CISEC, CAN-CISEC, CISEC-IT or CAN-CISEC-IT registrant,
  • They do not have a work relationship (employee, supervisor, etc.) or close personal relationship with the individual wanting to sit for the exam.

EXCEPTION – Other individuals may apply to proctor an examination without being a CAN-CISEC registrant but must gain approval from Ecopliant Environmental, Inc.

Proctor Responsibilities:

The proctor is responsible for the following:
  • Receiving and maintaining control of exam materials,
  • Conducting the examination in accordance with instructions for proctors, and
  • Returning all exam materials to Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. promptly after the examination is complete.

Necessary Information for Proctoring an Examination:

Individual seeking to take the examination shall provide:
  • Proof of approval from Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. to sit for the examination,
  • Name,
  • Address,
  • Phone numbers, and
  • Email address.
Individual seeking to take the examination shall provide the following information on the proctor:
  • Name,
  • Address,
  • Phone numbers,
  • Email address, and
  • Date, time, and location where administration of the examination will take place.

Please be aware that a proctor will be required to sign a contract with Ecopliant Environmental, Inc. Once all the above information and signed contract are submitted to and approved by Ecopliant Environmental, Inc., proctoring of the examination can take place.

Below is the Form for In-Person Proctoring (see restrictions above):

If you have any questions, please contact us.